Home » The Perfect Decking Material for Your Wooden Balcony

The Perfect Decking Material for Your Wooden Balcony

by Elon
Wooden Balcony

The wooden balcony decking material of choice for your balcony garden will depend on what you want to do with it, but chances are that you’ll need something which won’t warp in the sunlight, which has the strength to withstand the high winds common to many balconies and something which won’t rot or decay, like wood does. Whether your balcony has railings or not, there are suitable alternatives available, but how do you know which one is right for you?

Why Wood?

Wood is a natural material that has been popular in construction and design for many centuries. It is aesthetically pleasing and typically comes pre-treated to last longer. Wood is also environmentally sustainable as it can be grown in the ground without harming the environment. The wood used in our komposittrall balconies are made of 95% recycled wood, which means they are not only environmentally friendly but cheap too! In addition to its durability, wood provides resistance against fungi, insects and rot which makes it an attractive option when you want a robust balcony trolley that will still look good after years of use. 

Wooden balconies can be expensive to construct due to the high cost of timber and labour, so composite decking balconies offer a cheaper alternative with similar visual appeal.

Is Groove for You?

Grooved composite decking offers the perfect blend of style and practicality. Whether you want to build a terraced balcony or a cheap wooden balcony, this type of material is tough enough to withstand any conditions. It’s also designed to offer maximum grip when wet, so you can be sure that your family will have a safe time on their new outdoor space.

How to Choose a Suitable Colour or Design?


There are a number of considerations to take into account when choosing the perfect decking material for your balcony. The first consideration is whether you have a wooden balcony or a terraced balcony. If you have a wooden balcony then it is likely that composite decking will be the best option. This is because the plastic subframe on which composite decks are built upon provides strength, robustness and resistance to the elements, while also ensuring that they do not slip. A cheaper alternative to composite decks would be cheap wooden balconies, but these lack many of the benefits of composite decks, such as durability and water-resistance. Another consideration is whether you want woodgrain or an acrylic finish on your trallmaterial.

How To Install A New Balcony Garden On An Existing Roof Frame?

Preparing a balcony garden for the winter is not difficult, but it does require some planning and preparation. First, check that your balcony has enough space to grow. If you live in an apartment, this might mean getting permission from your landlord first. Second, you will need to identify what plants are most appropriate to your region. The third step is to choose a suitable container that can be moved indoors if necessary. The fourth step is soil preparation which means checking the pH balance of the soil, adding nutrients and fertilizers as needed. After that you need a balcony trolley which will make moving containers full of soil up and down easier than carrying them up and down stairs.

Read More: Benefits Of WPC Panels Terrace

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