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Marine Fish Aquarium

by saira

Marine Fish For Sale

A saltwater fish is also known by the names marine fish or seafish.

Saltwater species are often kept in aquariums. Unfortunately, some fish species are under-fished and may be endangered by marine pollution.

Tpes Saltwater Fish

Starfire Red Longfin Barb


Glofish Electric green Longfin Barb is an aquarium fish that will brighten up any aquarium. This stunning fish is ideal for beginners. The bright green color makes it stand out as one of the most unique members in your underwater world.

  • Name: Glofish Electric Green Long Fin Bar
  • Scientific Name Puntius. Tetrazona
  • Information for groups: Small to Medium Barb
  • Intermediate level of experience
  • Housing: Tank size – 20 Gallons
  • Behavior: Semi-Aggressive
  • Compatibility with Schooling
  • Swim Level: Middle

Galactic Purple Danio


The GloFish Galactic Purple Danio will add beauty and color to your aquarium. This striking fish is ideal for beginners. The brilliant purple color makes it one of the most interesting members of your aquatic world.

  • Name: GLOFISH Gallactic Purple Danio
  • Scientific Name: Danio rerio
  • Information about groups: Danios Minnows Rasboras
  • Expertise Level: Basic
  • Housing: Tank size – 10 Gallons
  • Peaceful Behavior
  • Compatibility with Schooling Fish
  • Swim Level: Middle

Cosmic Blue Shark


The GloFish Cosmic Blue Shark will bring beauty and color to your aquarium. This striking fish is ideal for beginners. The brilliant blue color makes it one of the most interesting members of your underwater community.

  • Name: Glofish Cosmomic Blue Shark
  • Scientific Name: Epalzeorhynchos frenatus.
  • Group information: Medium Shark
  • Intermediate level of experience
  • Housing: Tank size – 50 gallons
  • Behavior: Semi-Aggressive
  • Compatibility: Non-Schooling
  • Swim Level: Middle/Bottom

Twintail Halfmoon Male Betta Fish


You will be amazed at the popularity of bettas for beginners. Their long flowing tails and bright colors make them a great choice. They are easy to keep and make a beautiful addition to any living space, desk or kid’s room. While female bettas may not be as aggressive and can often live peacefully with their male counterparts, they can be quite aggressive toward one another. If you have only one male, keep him alone.

Bettas inhale water from the water’s surface to aid them breathe. Your betta should be swimming slowly toward the bowl or aquarium. They often rest at the bottom. Bettas are carnivores. They eat mainly animal matter including fresh, frozen, or freeze-dried foods. Use a tropical flake (or pellet food) to feed your betta. Follow the instructions on packaging.

  • Name: Twintail Halfmoon Male Betta
  • Scientific Name: Betta splendens
  • Group information: Betta
  • Expertise Level: Basic
  • Housing: Tank Size – 3 Gallons
  • Behavior: Aggressive towards con-specifics
  • Compatibility: One per community
  • Swim Level: Middle

Electric Yellow Labidochromis African Cichlid


The variety of African cichlids available is why they are very popular among fish hobbyists. There are many species available, including the Tanganyika-dwelling rock-dwelling African cichlids. You can create an interesting show tank with these fascinating, active freshwater fish in a variety a colors and sizes.

  • Name: Electric Yellow Labidochromis Cichlid
  • Scientific Name: Labidochromis ceruleus
  • Group information: Lake Malawi Omnivorous Cichlid
  • Advanced Experience
  • Housing: Tank size – 50 gallons
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Care Guide: Compatibility
  • Swim Level: Middle

Ryukin Goldfish


Goldfish will be seen digging in the dirt and stirring the dust for hidden gems all day. As bottom feeders, goldfish are always looking for tasty nibbles. This activity takes up a lot their time. They become extremely competitive during feeding time, pushing and pushing each other out of the way. A feeding frenzy might become more common if there are several fish in one tank. A goldfish might grab a bite from you and run to the bottom, before returning to the surface to get another bite. If predators are present in the wild, they may be lurking just beneath the surface. This is an instinct that can save lives.

  • Name: Assorted Ryukin Goldfish
  • Scientific Name: Carassius auratus
  • Information for groups: Fancy goldfish and Koi
  • Intermediate level of experience
  • Housing: Tank Size – 20 Gallons per Fish
  • Peaceful Behavior
  • Compatibility: Non-Schooling
  • Swim Level: Middle



Gouramis can be hardy fish and are popular with fish keepers thanks to their unique patterns and colors. They thrive in a semiaggressive community aquarium. They can live with angelfish, discus, and other non-aggressive fish. There is only one male gourami in each community. Your gouramis should be found swimming at the bottom and middle of your aquarium. Add bottom swimmers to your aquarium for a beautiful environment.

  • Name: Blue Gourami
  • Scientific Name: Trichopodus trichopterus
  • Group information: Anabantoid/Gourami
  • Intermediate level of experience
  • Housing: Tank Size – 50 gallons
  • Behavior: Semi-Aggressive
  • Compatibility: Non-Schooling
  • Swim Level: Middle

Cory Catfish


These catfish are great for beginning to intermediate level aquarists. This catfish species grows to 3-4 inches in size as an adult. They are bottom dwelling fish and prefer to live in large schools of 6 or more. However, 1 or 2 may be kept in smaller tanks. These catfish come in many different colors.

  • Name: Green Cory Catfish SM
  • Scientific Name Corydoras, aeneus
  • Cory Catfish: Group information
  • Expertise Level: Basic
  • Housing: Tank Size – 20 gallons
  • Peaceful Behavior
  • Compatibility with Schooling Fish
  • Swim Level: Bottom

Sunburst Orange Danio


GloFish cannot be dyed. Instead, they have a natural fluorescence genetic that won’t fade. They absorb light and reflect it back, giving the impression of glowing. GloFish are a result of adding a natural fluorescence gene (from a zebra-danio egg) to create them. The gene was incorporated into the offspring and passed on to their offspring. GloFish are tough community fish that get along with other species. Be careful though when mixing GloFish with other fish because not all fish are friendly.

  • Name: Glofish Sunburst Orange Danio
  • Scientific Name: Danio rerio
  • Information on groups: Danios Minnows Rasboras
  • Expertise Level: Basic
  • Housing: Tank Size – 10 gallons
  • Be kind and peaceful
  • Compatibility with Schooling Fish
  • Swim Level: Middle

Blue Mustard Male Betta Fish


You will be amazed at the popularity of bettas for beginner aquarists. Their long flowing tails and bright colors make them a favorite fish. They are easy to keep and make a beautiful addition to any living space, desk or kid’s room. While female bettas may not be as aggressive and can often live together peacefully with their male counterparts, male bettas will sometimes become aggressive toward one another. If you have only one male, keep him alone.

Bettas inhale water from the water’s surface to aid them breathe. Your betta should be swimming slowly toward the bowl or aquarium. They often rest at the bottom. Bettas, which are carnivores tend to rest near the bottom. A tropical flake or pellet diet is best. Follow the instructions on your packaging.

  • Name: Blue Mustard Betta, Male
  • Scientific Name: Betta splendens
  • Group information: Betta
  • Expertise Level: Basic
  • Housing: Tank Size – 3 Gallons
  • Behavior: Aggressive towards con-specifics
  • Compatibility: One per community
  • Swim Level: Middle

Bala Shark


Sharks are calm, regardless of their name or connotations. They prefer to be in a community aquarium with other fish of the same temperament. They actually belong to minnows, which is not sharks. Their upright dorsal tip gives them their shark-like appearance. Most fish will stay at a specific level in the aquarium. However, your shark will be swimming at the top, bottom, and middle of your tank. They are omnivores. They eat both plants and animals, as well as certain vegetables. Sharks love to swim and require large tanks that are both long and tall. One gallon is sufficient water to support one inch of fully-grown fish.

  • Name: Bala Shark, MD
  • Scientific Name: Balantiocheilos melanopterus
  • Information for Large Barbs
  • Advanced Level of Experience
  • Housing: Tank Size – 125 gallons
  • Behavior: Semi-Aggressive
  • Compatibility with Schooling Fish
  • Swim Level: Middle

Galactic Purple Shark


The GloFish Galactic Purple Shark can bring beauty and color to your aquarium. This striking fish is ideal for beginners. The brilliant purple color makes it one of the most interesting members of your aquatic world.

  • Name: Glofish Galactic Purple Shark
  • Scientific Name: Epalzeorhynchos frenatus
  • Group information: Medium Shark
  • Intermediate level of experience
  • Housing: Tank size – 50 gallons
  • Behavior: Semi-Aggressive
  • Compatibility: Non-Schooling
  • Swim Level: Middle/Bottom

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